The Largest
Textile Fair in Poland


18-20 | 11 | 2025

ptak expo łódź

Partners PTAK EXPO

Become a Speaker at the largest textile industry fair FAST TEXTILE

Share your experience and indicate the direction of development of the fashion industry during the FAST TEXTILE trade fair

Are you an innovator, have you achieved success, have introduced a family business to international markets, have you developed your company in e-commerce, are you familiar with marketing, are you a scientist, or maybe you are passionate about fashion?

Submit your application and conduct a lecture, workshop or discussion panel during the Largest Textile Fair in Poland

  • Registration and participation in the lectures are free of charge
  • You do not have to be an Exhibitor, to register your participation in the educational block
  • The final selection of Speakers is at the discretion of the Fast Textile Organizer.
Step 3 of 3

Thank you for registering
for Expo Trends!

We are glad you will join our event, full of inspiration and new trends.

We encourage you to fill out the last form, so we can prepare a unique VIP welcome package for you, which will surely make your stay at the fair more pleasant.

The last step

Enter the address where we should send the free VIP welcome package

You will receive a complimentary set of goodies along with an exhibition schedule.

Fast Textile Fair at the Largest
B2B Center of the apparel and textile industry in Europe.

PTAK S.A. 2025
Step 2 of 3

Your ticket has been
generated successfully!

You will receive it to the indicated e-mail address.
May take a few minutes.

Do you want to become an exhibitor
of the Trends Expo fair?

Upcoming edition:


Ptak Wholesale Center

Expo Hall | Rzgów | Poland

Fast Textile Fair at the Largest
B2B Center of the apparel and textile industry in Europe.

PTAK S.A. 2025
Krok 3 z 3

Dziękujemy za rejestrację
na Targi Expo Trends!

Cieszymy się, że dołączysz do naszego wydarzenia,
pełnego inspiracji i nowych trendów.

Zachęcamy do wypełnienia ostatniego formularza,
dzięki temu będziemy mogli przygotować dla Was
wyjątkowy pakiet powitalny VIP, który z pewnością
umili Wasz pobyt na targach.

Ostatni krok

Podaj adres, na który mamy wysłać darmowy pakiet powitalny VIP

Otrzymasz bezpłatny zestaw gadżetów wraz z planem targów.

Fast Textile Fair at the Largest
B2B Center of the apparel and textile industry in Europe.

PTAK S.A. 2025